The easiest method of cutting the price of your car insurance is to merely vend your car and buy a bus or rail pass. Perhaps you will relish walking in the rain to the adjacent bus stop and waiting 20-minutes.
By writer: Maurice Gertski
How to Cut the Cost of Car Insurance
When I was 17 I wanted to own a Ferrari and live life in the fast lane. Even if I could have afforded the car, then I couldn’t have afforded the insurance to cover it. At 17 you are brand new to the world of driving and statistically you are more likely to make an insurance claim. Mixing high-powered cars with inexperienced drivers is not something car insurance companies are super-keen about, the chance of a claim shoots through the roof with the price of the premium following it.
When you are young and inexperienced, buy a low-powered, low value car to try and keep your car insurance premium to a minimum. If it is worth less then it will cost less to fix/replace when in your youthful exuberance you crash it. The same logic actually applies to everyone, the lower the value of the vehicle and the lower the car insurance policy will be in most cases. Sports and premium cars will always cost more to repair in an accident so the insurance will reflect this. New cars now feature myriads of anti-theft and driver aids that in many cases will help to reduce the cost of insurance so keep an eye on the spec sheet when looking at a new car. A good rule of thumb is that less desirable and low value cars are cheaper to insure.
See the full article here.
Car Insurance is one of the most problematic customer products to purchase. The product is complex, the prices are adaptable from insurer to insurer, and there are scarce resources accessible to aid customers recognize car insurance.
By article creator: Mike Hearn
Car Insurance Best Rates
Most consumers do not bother reading the terms in their insurance policy – they simply call around for lowest insurance quotes and purchase the lowest bid. In the long run, this isn’t always the best approach, and won’t always save the most money. However, let me assure you, car insurance best rates are achievable. Saving money on car insurance requires a combination of techniques that improve your insurability, decrease the rate of insurance for your vehicles, and provide you with a unique advantage when it comes to purchasing car insurance.
This article will outline seven techniques that will ensure that you receive the lowest possible car insurance rates.
#1 – Choosing the Best Insurer
Cost is certainly one factor when considering car insurance, but your insurer selection should be weighted more heavily on reliability. You could easily call a number of insurance companies, ask for quotes, and simply select the lowest bidder. However, even if the lowest cost insurer saves you hundreds of dollars a year in premium payments, that savings does you no good if you find yourself in an accident, needing car repairs or medical attention, with an unreliable and unresponsive insurance company. A good company is crucial. It’s not just about car insurance best rates.
See the rest of the article here.
If you live in a postcode where there are few robberies and claims then your coverage premium will be inferior to living someplace that is a recognized corruption hotspot. And for your body repair needs we at Guanella will take care of it for you.
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